Independent vet services in Teddington

Whatever type of pets you have, they will receive exceptional care at Alpha Vets from the moment you register with us.

We are proud to be an independent veterinary practice since 1985, running every part of our service and always putting the needs of our patients first. Being independent allows us to offer our clients a more personalised and complete approach to pet care.

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Comprehensive Services

At Alpha Vets, we provide a compassionate and understanding service to pets and their owners. Our range of Vet Services in Teddington includes dentistry, microchipping, animal health certificates for pet travel, and our money-saving Healthy Pet Club.

You and your pets will also benefit from our first and second opinion consultations with our highly skilled Veterinary Surgeons.

Critical care

We have our own 24/7 emergency & critical care facility, located next to our sister practice in Molesey just a few miles away. When you join the Alpha Vets family, your pet won’t ever have to be without first-class veterinary care. Learn more about our emergency pet care service.

We also employ a fantastic team of Registered Veterinary Nurses (RVNs), who, alongside the rest of our friendly team, will treat your pet with the care and dignity they deserve at every stage of life.

Over 250 years’ experience

We work very closely with the Vets and Nurses at our sister practices to ensure we can offer your pet a comprehensive range of services.

As a collective, our veterinary teams have over 250 years of clinical experience, with some individuals providing clinical care for over 30 years, and many certificate holders in various disciplines. This enormous and varied wealth of knowledge and skills means we are equipped in every way to care for your pets in almost all circumstances.

At Alpha Vets, we also have a network of trusted referral centres who we can refer your pet to should they require more specialised treatment.

Treating pet health conditions

Take a look at the wide range of surgical treatments and facilities we offer:

We can perform:

  • Neutering of all common pet and exotic species 
  • ‘Keyhole’ neutering 
  • Laparoscopic castration of cryptorchid dogs   
  • Caesareans 
  • Pyometra (removal of infected uterus) 
  • Lump removals 
  • Wound treatment, remodelling and suturing 
  • Muscle, ligament and tendon repairs 
  • Skin flap procedures 
  • Free skin grafts 
  • Ear surgery – aural haematoma correction, lateral wall resection (LWR), total ear canal ablation (TECA) 
  • Eye surgery – entropion (eyelid abnormalities), nictitans gland correction (‘cherry eye’), corneal procedures, enucleation 
  • ENT procedures – conventional and endoscopic 
  • Gastrointestinal surgery – correction of gastric torsion (GDV, ‘twisted stomach’), gastrotomy, enterotomy, enterectomy, colonectomy, mass removals, foreign body removal (direct and endoscopic), rectal surgery and anal gland removal, etc. 
  • General abdominal surgery – exploratory abdominal procedures (conventional and laparoscopic), splenectomy, nephrectomy, liver and other organ biopsies 
  • Thoracoscopic procedures, thoracotomy procedures 
  • Urinary tract procedures – nephrectomy, cystotomy, cystoscopy, urethroscopy, urethrostomy 
  • Nasal and laryngeal surgery (including rhinoscopy) 
  • Laryngeal tie-back 
  • BOAS (brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome) correction 
  • Electrosurgery 
  • Laser surgery 
  • Plasma surgery 
  • Cryosurgery 
  • Endoscopic procedures generally 
  • Fracture treatment – plating, pinning, external fixation and external coaptation 
  • Cruciate ligament repair – TPLO, TTA, Lateral Suture System 
  • Patella luxation correction 
  • Femoral head excision 
  • Orthopaedics in exotic species 
  • Osteoarthritis assessment and treatment including K-Laser (Class IV) therapy, stem cell treatment, physiotherapy and multimodal therapies 
  • Many other procedures in all species 
  • Full multi-modal anaesthetic protocols for all species 
  • State-of-the-art anaesthetic monitors for maximum safety 
  • Sevoflurane inhalation anaesthesia for exotic species 
  • Gold Standard anaesthetic and recovery facilities and protocols 
  • State-of-the-art OR-DR digital X-ray imaging with dental X-ray at Molesey Vets
  • Advanced CRX digital X-ray imaging at Alpha Vets
  • Exceptional ultrasound imaging – thoracic, cardiac and abdominal ultrasound 
  • GE Revolution ACT CT scanner currently installing at Molesey Vets, active early 2022 

 We see and have medical and surgical facilities for all the ‘exotic’ species, including small mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians, fish and invertebrates.

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End of life care

At Alpha Vets, we can help you make your beloved pet’s last days as happy and carefree as possible. Our caring & compassionate team are here to support your pet, and you, during this difficult time. Learn more about the assistance and treatments we can provide with our End of Life Care service.


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