Symptoms and warning signs your small furry pet could be expecting!

July 14, 2023

As with all pets, pregnancy brings new care requirements. Along with a growing body, your small furry may also need extra nutrition and adjustments to their usual care routine. Alpha Vets’ nursing team have pulled together some signs to look out for if you suspect your small furry pet could be pregnant. Don’t hesitate to contact our team if you think you may have a pregnant pet.

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Signs of pregnancy

Head Nurse Claire explains that both guinea pigs and rabbits can reach sexual maturity at a young age, something which many small furry owners are unaware of. It is worth having your pets’ gender checked by Alpha Vets’ experienced vets if you are unsure to save unwanted litters.

Unplanned breeding can lead to health issues for the mother and her offspring, especially in guinea pigs over 6 months of age. We therefore recommend that if you have both male and female guinea pigs or rabbits living together, they should be separated or neutered to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

You might also unknowingly purchase/take ownership of a guinea or rabbit when they are already pregnant. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the signs.

Small furry pet pregnancy signs to look out for are:

  1. Increased appetite: Pregnant guinea pigs and rabbits may eat more than usual as their body requires more nutrients to support their growing foetuses.
  2. Weight gain: Weight will increase as the pregnancy progresses.
  3. Nesting behaviour: Pregnant guinea pigs and rabbits may start to exhibit nesting behaviour, such as gathering materials to create a nest or burrow.
  4. Enlarged abdomen: As the foetuses grow, the abdomen of the guinea pig or rabbit will become visibly enlarged.
  5. Behavioural changes: Pregnant guinea pigs and rabbits may become more lethargic or irritable as the pregnancy progresses.

If you suspect that your guinea pig or rabbit is pregnant, it is important to book them in with our team at Alpha Vets. Our vets will be able to confirm the pregnancy through a physical examination and then provide advice on proper care during your pet’s pregnancy.

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