Advanced pet ultrasound scanning
At Alpha Vets in Teddington, we have more advanced pet ultrasound technology than many other veterinary practices in the area. Our state-of-the-art ultrasound scanner enables our Vets to carry out safe and speedy examinations of internal cavities and organs, making it a powerful diagnosis aid.
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How ultrasound works
Ultrasound bounces high-frequency sound waves off tissues and the echoes are converted into black and white images. This advanced equipment allows our Vets to look inside living organs like the heart, liver, kidneys and bladder. Results are available immediately, which helps us make a speedy diagnosis.
Pet ultrasound scans are not only used to aid diagnosis, but they can also be used to screen for disease and to aid in the treatment of some diseases and health conditions. We also commonly use ultrasound to check for bladder stones and confirm pet pregnancies. In some cases, the ultrasound scanner can be used to assist our Veterinary Surgeons when taking needle biopsies of internal organs.
Ultrasound scans are usually performed on conscious pets but we occasionally use light sedation if appropriate. The Vet in charge of your pet’s case will discuss this with you when they are admitted for investigations.
Benefits of our advanced ultrasound
- Our ultrasound machine is mobile so it can be moved to where it is needed, rather than move your pet. This ensures the utmost comfort and helps to keep your pet calm whilst they undergo internal investigations.
- Advanced ultrasound technology has better zoom capabilities than less high-tech versions, giving our Vets an up-close look at something as small as your pet’s adrenal glands, pancreas, and lymph nodes.
Common reasons for a pet ultrasound in Teddington
- Examine abdominal masses
- Kidney disease
- Checking for bladder stones
- Cushing’s disease
- Liver disease & biopsies
- Examine tears in the tendons & ligaments of the legs
- Examine joints & bones
- Cardiac workups
- Confirming pet pregnancies
Learn about more state-of-the-art veterinary facilities available at Alpha Vets.